Lex Arbitri in foreign investment matters: The regulatory deficiency in view of the possible entry of Bolivia into the MERCOSUR
Lex Arbitri, investment arbitration, principle of voluntariness, jurisdiction, laws and authorities, enforce and recognize the award, annulment mechanismAbstract
Given the possibly entry of Bolivia into the MERCOSUR, it was analyzed if the adoption of the Protocolo de Colonia, as a Lex Arbitri in foreign investment matters, is reasonable. The results of the investigation determined that the measure is reasonable; nevertheless, the Bolivian regulations violate the principle of voluntariness of the parties by restraining them to submit the investment arbitration to the Bolivian jurisdiction, laws and authorities. Likewise, this analysis also implies the need to emphasize that the Protocolo de Colonia does not have a determination of how to enforce and recognize the arbitration award, which implies that the awards are subject to the same reservations that the seat of arbitration has regarding the recognition and enforcement of international commercial awards subject to the New York Convention. Therefore, the search for a satisfactory international investment arbitration system for Bolivia not only involves the need to previously adapt the internal regulations in accordance with the referred integration process, but it is also necessary to define specific cases in which the States can resort to an annulment mechanism provided by MERCOSUR.
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