Alternative Dispute Resolution for Franchies in Bolivia
franchising, alternative dispute resolution (ADR), dispute resolution providerAbstract
Franchising has become one of the main means of marketing in the world. However, it has not had the same success in Latin America, without Bolivia being the exception. The country does not have great impetus in the introduction of franchising in its market and lacks specific regulations to guarantee legal certainty to the parties to a contract of this nature, which makes Bolivia an unattractive market for national as international investors. Given this, alternative dispute resolution (ADR) would play a crucial role, since these mechanisms, due to preponderance given to the party autonomy, allow them to choose the applicable law. However, despite the existence of Conciliation and Arbitration Centers, Bolivia does not have an ideal provider of dispute resolution related to franchising due to the lack of experts in the matter (unlike the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center, which, in addition, collaborates with different institutions to promote the use of its ADR methods). These aspects should be considered by the Bolivian government and SMEs, who can benefit most from it.
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