Confidentiality of Financial Data: Lifting of Confidentiality for the collection of Evidence on Alternative Disputes Resolution




money laundering, confidentiality, bank secrecy, Bolivia, financial system, constitutional protection, individual freedom, financial information, exceptions, evidence, in alternative dispute resolution processes


With the extraordinary development of anti-money laundering regulations, the confidentiality of financial information has displaced banking secrecy from many Latin American jurisdictions. Such is the case in Bolivia, where confidentiality is the guiding principle on which the current financial system is based and built. Confidentiality is the tool that allows for the integral protection of a legal asset, object of constitutional protection, such as the individual freedom, and in this case, it translates into the custody of privacy of the financial information. As a general principle, the regime of exceptions to this rule must be regulated by the principle of specificity, which is established by national law and must be interpreted restrictively. This article will analyze the applicability of the exception’s regime to the confidentiality of financial data for evidence gathering in alternative dispute resolution processes.


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Author Biography

Natalia Dalenz, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Law Degree from Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo" - La Paz (Bolivia). Master’s in International Business Law at Universitá degli Studi di Padova - Padova (Italy). Independent researcher.


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Confidencialidad de la Información Financiera: Levantamiento de la Reserva y Confidencialidad para la obtención de Evidencias en la Resolución Alternativa de Disputas



How to Cite

Dalenz, N. (2022). Confidentiality of Financial Data: Lifting of Confidentiality for the collection of Evidence on Alternative Disputes Resolution. UCB Law Review, 6(10), 11–25.



Scientific Legal Investigations