Is Pluralist Legal Positivism Possible?
legal positivism, legal pluralism, legal sistemAbstract
It is common for theoretical positions defending legal pluralism to start with a critique of legal positivism, assuming an antithetical situation between the two stances. This paper hypothesizes that it is possible – and even necessary– to construct, through indigenous autonomy and jurisdiction, a model of non-monist legal positivism that reconciles the traditional definition of legal order with a context of constitutional recognition of forms of legality that don’t have its origin in the State. It proposes to start from the notion that there are diverse aspects of legal positivism and test the theories of three representative theoretical positions of legal positivism –Kelsen, Hart and Raz– to identify if centralism (an element usually considered determining in the predominant forms of legal positivism) is really essential for it. Finally, some basic considerations that a positivist and pluralist approach to law should have are proposed as a way of conceiving, studying and applying it.
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