Smart Contracts: How to Automate Contracts in Bolivia




services contract, blockchain, smart contracts, law, civil law, technology, Bolivia


Technology has been crucial in transforming society, streamlining the satisfactory fulfillment of needs. Although current society enjoys technological advantages, various aspects of life are still adapting to the new demands of the "electronic reality" In this regard, the digitization of the exchange of goods and services becomes fundamental for society, for which smart contracts emerge as essential tools to develop commerce in a country. The inclusion of these contracts in a country like Bolivia could bring significant benefits to economic development and the transparency and dynamism of contracts in that country. However, to achieve this, it is first essential to understand what smart contracts are, how they work and how they can be incorporated into the legal framework of a country.


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Author Biography

Sebastián Uría Vacaflores, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Abogado especializado en Legaltech e Innovación Legal por la Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo” (UCB), Sede Cochabamba. Graduado de la UCB, Sede La Paz con mención “Distinguido con Honores” por la tesis “Incorporación de los smart contracts en el ordenamiento jurídico boliviano”. Becario en Asesoría Legal Nacional de la UCB (2019-2022) y pasante en la firma global Dentons Guevara y Gutiérrez (2023). Embajador en Bolivia del proyecto Radar Legal Tech Latam y partícipe de la primera versión del Programa de Innovación Legal en la Era Digital de Derechoteca LLC.


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Smart contracts ¿Cómo automatizar las contrataciones en Bolivia?



How to Cite

Uría Vacaflores, S. (2024). Smart Contracts: How to Automate Contracts in Bolivia. UCB Law Review, 8(14), 59–105.